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Alzheimer’s disease is a cruel ailment that gradually takes our memory, language, and sense of self, but new research is showing how regular exercise can serve as a preventative tool, minimizing many of its markers.

Alzheimer’s main biological features are the presence of amyloid protein plaques, tau tangles (abnormal accumulations of the tau protein in the brain) and myelin degeneration (myelin helps to transmit electrical impulses in the brain). A new study, recently published in Science Direct: Brain Research has successfully built on a growing body of evidence that points to physical exercise as a means of reducing these biological features. Experts from the University of Bristol (UK), and the Federal University of São Paulo (Brazil) put aged rodents through structured programs of aerobic activity and found that physical exercise had the following positive effects:

  • Reduced amyloid protein plaques by approximately 76%
  • Reduced tau tangles by around 63%
  • Reduced inflammation by up to 68%
  • Improved communication between brain cells
  • Increased the number of brain protective cells

Exercise is Essential To Fighting Alzheimer’s Disease

While a firm number is yet to be placed on how often you should exercise in order to help alleviate AD, the take home message is simple: Swapping a sedentary lifestyle for one that includes regular aerobic activity is essential for longevity. “Alzheimer’s is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder with no known cure, impacting millions worldwide,” says Dr Augusto Coppi, who is one of the study’s authors. “While physical exercise is known to reduce cognitive decline, the cellular mechanisms behind its neuroprotective effects have remained elusive—until now. This research highlights the potential for aerobic exercise to serve as a cornerstone in preventive strategies for Alzheimer’s.”

The authors of the study also suggest that public health initiatives should prioritise the promotion of exercise programs that are tailored to aging populations. For the elderly, exercises such as cycling or swimming could be a safe option where avoiding injury is paramount. But you don’t have to be getting on in years to begin the fight against AD. The onset of Alzheimer’s disease can begin 20 years before symptoms appear, so there’s no better time to get your body moving than today.

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