Immunotherapy combined with image-guided cancer ablation creates a more substantial anti-cancer immune response than either one working alone. This cancer counter-attack is considered one the “greatest advancements” in cancer treatment.
You can expect three to five times greater increase in cancer survival by adding ablation to immunotherapy rather than immunotherapy alone!
Credit goes to the use of improved anti-cancer immune checkpoint inhibitors like:
- Yervoy (anti-CTLA 4)
- Opdivo and Keytruda (anti-PD-1)
Ablation destroys the tumor within the body. The release of tumor particles (antigens) enables other similar particles to be recognized and attacked by your body’s immune system.
Other substances are also released. These combined with tumor antigens and immune checkpoint inhibitors (Yervoy, Opdivo, and Keytruda) create a near-perfect mix of immune stimulation.
The result: a significantly more powerful anti-cancer immune response. One that’s unprecedented for stimulating your immune system to battle cancer throughout your body.