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Skin cancer is a deadly disease which affects millions of Americans each year. It’s especially worrisome for bodybuilders, who often spend a lot of their time in the sun or at the beach, working on a tan to make those muscles look good. As more research has been completed upon skin cancer patients, our society is leaning more and more toward avoiding the sun. Many bodybuilders have stopped spending days in a tanning booth, instead opting for a few layers of Pro-Tan and a night of sleeping on shower curtains before the show. A few showers after the show, and they’re back to normal without any risk of skin cell damage.

The drug Melanotan actually causes a tanning effect on the body. Use of it causes a slight darkening of the skin, much like a tan. It was discovered by researchers trying to find cures for skin cancer. Melanotan version 2 arrived on the scene, and researchers were surprised to find it substantially increased the libido. Once these research findings on Melanotan II were released, bodybuilders and sports nutritionists took notice and began to become curious about its effects on athletes. If it could improve the libido on untrained cancer patients, imagine the muscle-building effects upon healthy young male athletes? It didn’t take long before bodybuilders were using Melanotan II as part of their steroid cycle.

Melanotan II is injected into the subcutaneous layer of the skin, just like another other anabolic steroid. Its lab name is CUV1647 and is being tested extensively worldwide for cancer purposes. It has the three known effects at this time. First, it increases the level of pigmentation in the skin, creating the illusion of a tan. This is something bodybuilders won’t mind. Second, it protects the skin from cancer growth. This is something that everyone in American wouldn’t mind! Third, and of most significant importance to bodybuilders, Melanotan II has the wonderful effect of increasing testosterone levels in the human body. While not as potent as injected testosterone, it does raise T-levels to the point of being beneficial for bodybuilders.

Melanitan 2

If you’ve been running a standard cycle and as ready to give yourself an off-season break, then Melanotan II might be a good option for you to explore. This drug may become more mainstream in the coming years, possibly being available over the counter as its cancer-preventative nature if embraced by an aging group of men and women who would rather not face the rigors of skin cancer.

After you inject Melanotan II for the first time, you may notice a burning in the area a short time later. This is normal. A dose of 1 ml per week is plenty to maintain a healthy tan and an increased libido. High-level dosage results of Melanotan II have not yet been revealed to the world, likely because it’s still a new compound which many bodybuilders haven’t discovered. As it becomes more and more commonplace and bodybuilders test the compound at high dosages, we’ll soon learn more about its potent muscle building effects, as well as just how tan it can make a person. If your start seeing several very golden bodybuilders who were previously pale in the off-season, you may just know why!

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