The Male Versus Female : Mixed Wrestling Forum is a place were fans can discuss and talk about intergender matches. Some session goers like to rate and talk about their experience doing sessions. The forum is not fitness or sports focused, but has many images and vide clips. Active for a number of years mixed wrestling does have a bigger following than previously thought. Mixed wrestling is connected to women’s bodybuilding. A number of women bodybuilders to sessions either locally or travel to various countries. While the female athlete is used to competing they are doing so against other women. Rarely does the professional female athlete test her strength against men. Women bodybuilders do this on a regular basis when providing sessions. Seeing as they get more exercise than the average person, most obtained a good amount strength. Which is odd that a client would doubt their physical prowess. A client wrote anonymously on the Mixed Wrestling Forum about a woman bodybuilder’s strength.

He asserts that when she put him in a bodyscissor her squeezing power was limited. There are several reasons this was the case. The client was with an woman bodybuilder would offered fantasy wrestling. Women who do this are not going to use their full power. This is closer to muscle worship with some wrestling mores added. Competitive mixed wrestling is a format in which both the woman bodybuilder and client are trying to win.
“I just had a session with a bodybuilder. Not my usual stuff, but I travelled through her city, she had great reviews and offered fantasy level wrestling, so I said, let’s try something new. She looked impressive, higher than me, wide shoulders, massive thighs… bulking biceps when she posed… from the start, she was in charge and dominant… but dropping her hard body on me was pretty scary…Then, she started to squeeze me (in arms, between thighs)… it was not that hard, and I supposed she just does not want to hurt me. Wanted to ask her to go harder… but then I noticed her arms or thighs tremble from effort when she squeezes me. So, I didn’t ask, as it would feel offensive to ask someone who is doing his best to try more… The session continued, and I more and more realized this girl cannot get tap from me, unless I decide to do so, to not hurt her ego. It was a contrast, the day before, I have met a wrestler who was 4″ smaller and 25lbs lighter than her, and tapped many times just to her strength (i.e. not counting the skill). And now, this bigger muscled woman… perhaps even some of the doms I have met could squeeze harder than her…So, this question arises, how the strength (and especially squeezing power) relate to bodybuilder qualities?”
The client should have sought that format instead. Semi-competitive might also be closer to what he wanted. The session wrestler probably did not want to injure her client. There is no way of knowing for certain. Just because she was using physical effort does not mean she was incapable. There was nothing wrong with asking her to go harder. The demand should not be seen as a insult or trying to hurt her ego. It sounds more like a male client trying to do macho posturing. Women bodybuilders could make him tap.
Based on squats women bodybuilders could have incredible squeeze power. Kristy Hawkins started off as a bodybuilder and then did powerlifting. The most Kristy did for squats was 600 lbs. Her best record for powerlifting was 573 lbs in competition. That puts her in the elite range on a male squat strength standard chart. Kristy Hawkins never did mixed wrestling, but it can be assumed that she could make a man tap in bodyscissors. The client did not provide their statistics. Most likely, they are average. That means their squat capability would be between 78 lbs to 147 lbs.

The client mentioned that a cross arm bar was used on him. Upper body related wrestling moves would be more difficult for women to perform. Building lower body strength is easier for women. Andrea Shaw can bench press 250 lbs. That places her in the advanced male bench press range. It is lower compared to Kristy Hawkins squat range. Andrea Shaw would still be able to apply enough force for an armbar. A woman bodybuilder would have an easier time doing a bodyscissors than an armbar. Assuming they do not have the strength to do so would be false.
Doing wrestling moves requires skill and practice. Professional wrestlers and Olympic wrestles have to master various moves. A woman bodybuilder is not a wrestler. The two sports require different skills and athletic training. The session wrestler might have to learn own their own. The woman bodybuilder most likely taught herself how to wrestle. Professional wrestlers have facilities in which they can train. Olympic wrestlers have coaches. Based on the client’s claims, the woman bodybuilder was experienced. Women bodybuilders just beginning might struggle to get mixed wrestling down. Strength is not only factor. Technique is needed for matches and frequent sessions. It is easier for women with martial arts backgrounds. They have the knowledge of how to execute moves with maximum power and precise efficiency.
The physical attributes client are factors. Thorax and waist circumference matter when applying a bodyscissor. A man with a large waist is harder to get their legs around. Overweight men with larger stomachs could be a technical challenge. Men of healthy weight or slender body type could be squeezed with little difficulty. Muscular men are not going to feel as much pain.

The client most likely was average sized. The woman bodybuilder was probably capable of squeezing much harder. Certain women bodybuilders have the ability to crush watermelons between their thighs. While the client was willing to be in bodyscissors, he did not get into a headscissors. Maybe that would have been powerful enough for him. Clients may also just be able to brace pain better. Regardless of how much pain a client can tolerate the woman bodybuilder can overpower them.
The smaller woman with wrestling, MMA, or boxing backgrounds can be formidable. Even though this woman was 25 lbs lighter, fighting was her skill. Underestimating a smaller opponent can be an error. Muscle fiber type is essential to strength. Depending on the total amount of type II muscle fibers, a person can be stronger. This smaller woman just had more type II muscle fibers, but did not have large amounts of mass. Women bodybuilders train for aesthetic purposes, instead of attaining their maximum strength. Bodybuilding is still making the muscles stronger, but not as strong as they could be.

Powerlifters and weightlifters could have more strength. As mentioned before, Kristy Hawkins started as bodybuilder. She was strong then, but got even stronger with powerlifting. It would not be a surprise that she would be able to crush the doubtful client. Smaller women can even be powerful. Athletic background and skill are major factors in how pressure they can put on an opponent.
The doubt seems to be based on some for of machismo. There are men who think women are not capable of making them tap out. The session was a fantasy match, meaning the woman bodybuilder was not using her full strength. The indication was clear when she got on top of the client. Weight class is a big factor in sport. The fact that he felt her weight indicates her body was capable of generating more force. Apparently, even fans of muscle women have a fragile male ego. Masked behind a chivalrous tone, he did not ask her to squeeze harder. This was the client’s fault. The woman bodybuilder loves physical challenge. If she got offended, she would just be too sensitive.

The only result would have been to goad her into trying harder. Women with such physiques are used to unwanted criticism or strange comments. Maybe the woman bodybuilder could have gotten the client to tap if incentivized. One cannot brag about her not getting you to tap, if this was a fantasy match. If she was willing a competitive or semi-competitive match would have been a better choice. Clients should specify want they want from the session wrestler. Not all clients are masochists, but this one mentions he went to a dominatrix. Women bodybuilders are not trying to inflict the most amount of pain. The intent is to overpower and physically dominate an opponent. The trembling does indicate she was struggling a bit. Based on her size, the woman bodybuilder could have generated more force. Doing a wrestling move efficiently help apply the maximum amount of force. The client could have build up endurance from all the women he has wrestled. Regardless, there are women out there who will make you tap out.