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Now that summer is over and the kids are back to school, we’re getting back on track with a “Start Again” Lose Your Gut Fall Challenge!

If you have fallen off the bandwagon, packed on a few extra pounds of body fat over the summer, and would like to lose your gut — then I might be able to help…

While I don’t claim to know it all, I HAVE helped hundreds of guys transform their body, lose their gut, and get back in shape – without cutting carbs, without fasting, or suffering through crazy workout schedules.

And yet…

It wasn’t that long ago when I fell off the rails and got the dreaded “Dad Bod” 😫

After I stopped competing in bodybuilding and became a father I never had the time (or the motivation) to spend endless hours in the gym. And I couldn’t stand the thought of eating boiled chicken and broccoli out of Tupperware Containers… 🤮

And it didn’t take long for it to show…

One skipped workout turned into a week-long break from the gym…

It became easier to pick up the phone and order pizza or takeout than it was to cook a meal…

I tried to justify it all by saying that I’m just extra busy and I’ll get back on track again “On Monday”

But for some reason my start again “Monday” would always get pushed back week after week…

All those little decisions started to add up, even though I “knew better”, I wasn’t doing what I knew I should do…

I fell into the “ALL” or “NOTHING” trap, and the problem with that is you rarely ever get “ALL” and more often than not end up with “NOTHING”.

It got to the point where I didn’t even recognize the man looking back at me in the mirror…

I was disgusted and embarrassed with how far I’d let myself go…

Here I was fat, lazy, and had a 40+ inch waistline and a gut that stuck out further than my chest?

Is that kinda how you feel right now?

If so, I’d like to help you get back on track with a proven road map to follow, so that you can stop hitting dead ends – and follow a step-by-step system to building a lean healthy body that you can be proud of.

So you can finally feel confident in your own skin, instead of feeling embarrassed about what you see when you look in the mirror.

Here is what I am proposing…

Over the past few years I’ve ran several of these Free Lose Your Gut Challenge’s to help guys finally get control over their health & fitness, lose the “Dad Bod”, and feel proud of how their body looks and feels…

I’m planning on doing another FREE “Lose Your Gut Challenge” to help you “Start Again” and get back on the right track!

So you can escape the yo-yo dieting trap & master your metabolism 🔥

So you can get on the right track to optimize your health and fitness 💪

NO Fluff… NO Hype… NO Selling Supplements… or any other rubbish

Just me pulling back the curtain and showing you EXACTLY what has worked for me and my VIP coaching students who have achieved amazing health, fitness, and fat loss transformations!

Every time I ran one of these FREE 5 Day Lose Your Gut Challenges the feedback I’ve received afterwards has been incredible.

We’ve got over 200 FIVE STAR Reviews on Facebook from past participants and many of them have finally got their act together and achieved real lasting fat loss results after months, or even years, of being stuck in a rut and going nowhere.

And I’m going to be doing it again, to help you get back on the right track after the summer…

Lee Hayward’s 5 Day Lose Your Gut “Start Again” Fall Challenge

Don’t worry it will be 100% FREE.

Zero obligation.

It’s simply 5 Days of virtual fitness and nutrition coaching that will arm you with the skills, knowledge, and strategies to help you realize your fitness and fat loss goals this year.

And more importantly – show you how to maintain your results for life!

If you’re down for the challenge, simply click here to register.

Note: the challenge group is not officially live yet.

But I’ll accept you in the day before the challenge kicks off on Friday September 27th, 2024.

Then on Saturday, September 28th, The “Lose Your Gut” Challenge will officially go LIVE and I’m going to cap it at 100 guys.

Those lucky 100 guys will get…

✅ A battle tested nutrition protocol so you can get lasting fat loss results without cutting carbs, starving yourself, or following some crazy crash diet.

✅ Daily tasks and accountability check-ins so you don’t lose motivation or get lost along the way.

✅ Live Video Coaching everyday during the 5 Day Challenge – I’ll explain EXACTLY what you need to do and how to do it – to ensure you’re on the fast track to losing your gut while enjoying the process!

✅ Follow Along Workouts. Regardless if you’re working out from home or going to the gym – I got you covered with follow along workouts that you can do everyday during the 5 Day Challenge. Don’t worry, these workouts are geared to your fitness level and available exercise equipment.

✅ An invite to our LIVE Graduation Workshop so you can get the complete roadmap to my entire Muscle After 40 Blueprint for achieving a LASTING and sustainable fitness and fat loss transformation.

The best part is, this is all going to happen COMPLETELY FREE!

All I need from you is your TOTAL COMMITMENT for 5 days of virtual coaching.

The challenge will be run through our private Total Fitness Bodybuilding Facebook Group at:

However, if you don’t use Facebook that’s ok. Because this time around I’ll be emailing you the Lose Your Gut challenge content and video lesson replays at the end of each day. So you’ll still be able to follow along at your own pace, even if you don’t have a Facebook account.

However, if you’d like to interact and join me LIVE during the video coaching lessons and get a head start over everyone else – then you will need to join and participate through our private Facebook group.

If you’re ready to “Start Again”, lose your gut, and get back in shape – go ahead and sign up now because again, I’m limiting the challenge to 100 guys, and I don’t want you to miss out!

Click Here To Register For The FREE 5 Day – Lose Your Gut Challenge!

all the best,
Lee Hayward

If you want to get on the right track and finally Lose Your Gut – then take the first step and register for the FREE 5 Day Lose Your Gut Challenge!

Click Here To Register For The FREE 5 Day – Lose Your Gut Challenge!


You may be thinking… “Lee, what’s the catch?”

Well there is no catch, because with the 5 Day Lose Your Gut Challenge – I’m going to be giving you the first phase of my Muscle After 40 Blueprint VIP Coaching Program for FREE.

Why am I doing this?

Because I know that after going through the 5 Day “Lose Your Gut” challenge – a certain number of people will want to get more in depth one-on-one coaching with me afterwards. And if that’s something you’re interested in, then we can discuss the possibility of working together on a more personal level after the challenge is over. But that’s totally optional.

There’s zero cost or obligation to participate in the “Lose Your Gut Challenge”. It’s just 5 days of FREE interactive coaching where I’ll share my best stuff to help you Lose Your Gut – and keep it off for life…

Does that sound like a fair deal?

If so and you’re down for the challenge, just visit the link below to request access to join, but do so now because spaces are limited.

Click Here To Register For The FREE 5 Day – Lose Your Gut Challenge!

Not sure if the FREE 5 Day Lose Your Gut Challenge is right for you? Well just check out some of the results that our past “Lose Your Gut” Challengers made…

Mike Brown lost fat and built lean muscle at the same time with the Muscle After 40 Blueprint Program!
Richard Porter lost 110 pounds and is stronger and fitter than he's been in years!
Jeff Samataro achieved a Body Re-composition by losing fat and packing on lean muscle mass to his frame!

You could be our next “Before” and “After” Success Story… Sign up for the FREE 5 Day Lose Your Gut Challenge – at the link below and let your fitness transformation begin!

Click Here To Register For The FREE 5 Day – Lose Your Gut Challenge!

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