Breakfast has been called the most important meal of the day. This saying did not have a scientific basis, but appears it does have benefits to the muscular system. Women who consume breakfast have a stronger hand grip. The proxy measurement provides a method of quantifying muscular strength. Men do not see similar benefits based on the study. The Daily Mail states that hand grip can also indicate overall health. That is not entirely accurate. Other measures would be needed to make such an assessment. Blood pressure and weight are measures of health that a specific. Hand grip would not be able to assess cognitive health or detect heart disease. Hand grip tells more about the skeletal system and muscle. The foods consumed during breakfast are a factor. A connection between sleep and inflammation could exist. More research is needed to develop medical guidelines.
Data was accumulated from 25,819 subjects ( adults up to age 83). The instrument of measurement was a hand grip dynamometer was used. Southwest University of Chongqing did the compiling of hand grip data. The result showed that women who consumed breakfast had a 10% higher grip strength. The study did not take into account exercise habits or specifics of diet. The subjects could be eating different foods for breakfast. All of them might not be considered a healthy or nutritious diet. Muscular system health is pivotal to women as they age.
Hand grip data shows from 40 onwards muscle strength declines. Exercise is recommended, but caloric intake is an after thought. Skipping meals is conductive to good health. The amount of food consumed was not a major factor according to the study. The amount of calories consumed should be based on the amount of physical activity. Eating a balanced diet with limited sugar and saturated fat ensures control of weight. Enough consumption of protein is needed for the health of the muscular system. Further research is needed to explore other elements of a link. Lunch and dinner might also have a similar correlation.
Inflammation describes how the human body responds to disease or injuries . Part t of the healing process, at times it can create a health issue. Acute inflammation is how the immune system manages an injury or disease. Chronic inflammation occurs when cells to the body when nothing is threatening it. Chronic inflammation based on other studies can be higher in those who skip breakfast. Breakfast appears to be more important to women’s health. All inflammation is not deleterious to health. The concern is the persistence of chronic inflammation. Cytokines are proteins involved in the management of inflammation. The human body is fighting pathogens and allergens. The speculation is that build up of too many cytokines could negatively impact muscle strength.
Maintaining muscle mass requires a certain amount of caloric intake and exercise. The study did not provide the exercise habits of subjects. Having women who are physically active could distort the data. Women with more muscle mass and who miss breakfast are not going to be as effected. The reason is they have more muscle in reserve compared to a slender or endomorphic woman. The reason it does not effect men could be due to baseline body composition. Endocrine related differences give men higher muscle mass. Over eating is understood to be harmful. The increase in type 2 diabetes can be linked to consumption of too much carbohydrates and saturated fat . Consuming too little food is a concern.
This deprives the body of minerals, vitamins and nutrients. Eating allows for proper organ function, growth during youth, and energy. A habit some women adopt is skipping meals. Certain diets promote caloric restriction. These approaches are not the best. Three meals a day adjusted to exercise regimen can control weight. Building muscle and eating enough can improve women’s health.
The research claims that hand grip is on the decline worldwide. The assertion can be debated. The data collected comes from certain countries, but not all of them. Getting data for the uncontacted tribes is not possible. Looking at some samples it reveals a difference between developed and developing countries. The developed countries have a higher grip strength. This relates to food security and adequate nutrition. To say that hand grip drastically dropped would be false. Data would have to be compared to another set. Measuring hand grip is a recent medical and fitness assessment. There is no way to compare hand grip from six centuries ago. Some the data is focused only for the 20th and 21st centuries.
A few more decades would have to pass to make this claim. The data that is collected still reveals that people are getting less physical activity. The majority of our time is spent indoors or sitting. Technology at some stage will eliminate manual labor jobs. Time has to be made for at least some exercise. Eating enough and getting exercise can reverse negative impacts on health. Nutritionists and dieticians have been discussing proper eating for a number years. Nutrition and diet should not be seen as separate entities from medicine. The study confirms what nutritionists and dieticians knew. More research is needed to see how skipping dinner or lunch could effect metabolism.