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What is Semaglutide? Benefits and Downsides –

What is Semaglutide? Benefits and Downsides –

Semaglutide is a medication primarily prescribed by healthcare professionals to treat patients with type 2 diabetes, help specific people lose weight, and reduce significant heart problems such as heart attack or stroke.   This medicine belongs to a class of drugs...
4 Exercises to Prepare You for Summer Hiking

4 Exercises to Prepare You for Summer Hiking

Twisted ankles and getting winded may be fears holding you back from getting back to hiking this summer. If it’s been a while since you’ve hiked and you want to crush your favorite big bike, try these three training approaches. Heels-Up and Single-Leg Exercises for...
Short Length Partial Reps for Strength

Short Length Partial Reps for Strength

Are short-length partial reps good for anything? Recently, much discussion has been happening on the best range of motion for hypertrophy, with evidence showing that long-length partials and full range of motion are best. However, what about the efficacy of...
Christmas Pop-up