Chris Hemsworth, the Australian actor popularly known for his role as Thor, who recently turned 40, has shared his full body workout routine on Instagram. Hemsworth has included Cardio and several functional movement exercises using a medicinal ball and ropes.
In his video captioned as ‘Solid Full Body Workout Routine’. He mentions that he has been doing a lot less heavy weight sessions lately and incorporating sprint work and more functional movements. In the short video Hemsworth is seen in Nike shorts, a baseball cap and black sunglasses along. He is seen doing sprinting with his friend Ross Edgley who is an ultra-marathon Sea swimmer. Both Hemsworth and Edgley have gone shirtless in the video, flaunting their perfectly sculpted abs. Hemsworth is doing arm work by lifting weighted ropes and a medicine ball.

In the video Hemsworth is seen doing a lot of exercise in his backyard like tossing a large medicine ball to the ground and catching it up. For strengthening his core muscles, he is also seen with a smaller white medicine ball, doing some diagonal and side to side movements holding the ball. He also does some forward and reverse bear crawls and some push-ups.
The video has garnered a lot of positive comments and likes.
Watch Chris Hemsworth’s ‘Solid Full Body Workout Routine’ video: